Desde el inicio de la "fiebre del emulador" han sido numerosos los CD ROM aparecidos dedicados a cada máquina o a todas en general. Desde los grabados artesanalmente con CDR a las tiradas comerciales.
Ten siempre en cuenta que estos CD ROM contienen grandes cantidades de Soft © por lo que su uso es tecnicamente ilegal.
No obstante, son muchas las personas/compañias que han autorizado la distribución y uso de su soft en los emuladores.
Las páginas Web proliferan como setas tras la lluvia... prueba en los buscadores 'Sinclair Spectrum', 'ZX Spectrum', 'speccy', etc.
Con Juegos (Snapshots):
- M. Coward's SpecNet Online; algunos juegos en una Web con presentación agradablemete presentada.
- John Dow's part-time page - supposedly up at 10-12PM UK time at weekends; I've never managed to get a response at any time though.
- Glyn Harper's ZX Spectrum Emulator page - basically just links to his FTP site, with around 16Mb of games.
- Steve Jones' Sinclair Spectrum Page - has a snapshots requests page, though
hasn't been updated since it started from what I can see - apparently due to
worries about copyright violation.
- Francisco Cotrina's Spectrum page - with details of his snapshots mail server and some emulators to download.
- Harvey Lodder's "Most Wanted" snapshots request page.
- Andrew Barker's Spectrum Snapshots - yet another requests page, the most active one.
- Aleksandr Babaylov's ZX Spectrum Software Museum - a large collection of
snapshots and tapes; a lot of games here, but it can be a slow site.
- John Elliott's Home Page - the home of Jet Set Willy 128K, and some useful
icons for Sinclair pages (as used on my page).
- Blood's Crap Speccy Page - home of the comp.sys.sinclair crap games
compilation and the Manic Miner editor.
- Theo Devil's Spectrum page - has copies of his demos and games there, plus
more... you may have heard of Theo as the guy behind Hellenic Software, he
had a few things published on Crash/YS cover tapes.
- - including the beginning of a point and click
snapshots list (using the akira FTP site), a requested snapshots page and
YS Smash Tips!
- Execute Spectrum Programs via The Web! - not really practical, but worth a look.
- Eric March's Speccy! - including what was a great requested snapshots page,
but it hasn't been updated since August 1995. Should hopefully be back on form
shortly, as Eric will be updating the site with more snapshots and other
stuff 'soon'.
- Karl O'Brien's Sinclair Spectrum 48K Heaven - has a few games and a copy of
Z80 on his page.
Buscadores de Web:
- Alta Vista - Digital's rather neat search engine. Very powerful, for instance
it can do searches for pages linked to a specific page as well as search in
USENET news articles and web pages.
- Hynek Med's Spectrum related files search - searches over several FTP/WWW
sites to match the filename you give it. Probably the most useful search
engine if you're after a particular game.
- FTP Search - will search for any file on the FTP sites it indexes; can also
be used to find Spectrum files of course! Much like Archie, but nicer.
- InfoSeek Guide - another generic web search engine, but as always, these are
just as useful for finding Speccy stuff as finding anything else.
- An interface to the gopher search engine at NVG. Unlike snapsearch, this one
searches on company and game names as well as the filename; but it doesn't
have as good an index, so snapsearch often gives better results.
- Yahoo's Sinclair page - a few links, some out of date.
Revistas en la Web:
- Your Sinclair - parts of some of the later issues up on the web courtesy of
Simon Cooke, YS's tech tips editor for those issues.
- Barry Plewa's Emulate! - has games, technical stuff, reviews, chart listings,
and much more. The HTML version of the magazine is at this site, but plain
text versions and ZIPped up copies of the HTML version are also available,